Iron Ore For Sale

Grewal Minerals & Metals LLP – Iron Ore Mines, Koira Sector, Odisha, India

Item #MinesIron Ore SpecsQty(MT)Price/MT 
* To confirm Qty please call: +91 993 801 3353
S-1SanindupurIron Ore Fines 0-10 mm Screened Fe% 61-624,0004,200
S-2SanindupurIron Ore Lumps 5-18 mm Fe% 62-632,3005,600
S-3SanindupurIron Ore Lumps 10-40 mm Screened Fe% 57-582,2003,925
S-4SanindupurIron Ore Fines 0-10 mm Screened Fe % 59-60Call*3,925
Prices Valid Upto 27/07/2024
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